Expense claim processing : when, how and why optimise this key process ?

classeur pour le traitement des notes de frais

Processing expense claims is a major administrative task for any company, with a direct impact on cash flow and employee satisfaction. An efficient and rapid expense claim process is essential for maintaining a healthy cash flow, motivating employees and complying with current regulations. So how can you optimise your company’s handling of expense claims ? […]

[Infographie] AI and Spend Management : How AI is transforming your business

l'IA & gestion des dépenses : deux mains qui se connectent (robot & humain)

Managing business expenses, with all its challenges and complexities, is a major issue for any company. But Artificial Intelligence (AI) is redefining the rules of the game, offering expense claim solutions the ability to gain greater efficiency and control. More than just automation, AI transforms expense management into a strategic lever for any business. Whether […]

[Bilan 1 an] Electronic till receipts : impact on expense claims?

ticket de caisse dématérialisé

Almost a year after it was introduced, the gradual abolition of paper receipts in France is encouraging companies to rethink the way they manage their expense accounts. While the move to paperless till receipts has been well received by consumers, it has also shaken up the habits of businesses, forcing them to review their internal […]

[Infographie] 3 approaches to a comprehensive corporate carbon footprint

planète avec arbre sur bilan carbone entreprise

Calculating a company’s carbon footprint is a major step in assessing an organisation’s environmental impact and taking effective measures to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To facilitate this process and achieve concrete results, here are three approaches to implement. 1. Use tools throughout the company’s value chain The use of corporate carbon footprint measurement tools […]

Temporary assignment expenses : how to simplify administrative management

frais de mission intérim

The temporary work sector in France employs more than 3 million temporary workers, of whom more than 700,000 are deployed each year on long or short-term assignments. One of the major difficulties for every temporary employment agency is to proactively manage the costs of temporary assignments, taking into account a multitude of criteria such as […]

BTP travel expenses: rules & allowances 2024

frais ik BTP - deux personnes sur un chantier BTP

The construction and public works sector is characterised by high employee mobility. This means that we have to travel to work sites on a daily basis, which means that we incur professional expenses. How are employees compensated for travel, accommodation and meal expenses ? How can we optimise costs to keep within the site budget […]

Optimising expense management processes in ESN: the Practical Guide

gestion des frais en ESN

When you’re an ESN, travel costs are inherent to the company’s activity. And in an inflationary environment where margins on assignments are shrinking, it is important to keep overheads under control and, more specifically, to manage professional expenses to ensure the profitability of each assignment. We take a look at the best practices for optimising […]

Sustainable Mobility Package : for whom and how much ?

forfait mobilité durable - RSE - barèmes 2023

The car, responsible for 4% of greenhouse gas emissions in France, is at the heart of the environmental problem linked to commuting. The Sustainable Mobility Package, introduced in 2020, is an effective solution for encouraging employees to adopt more environmentally-friendly modes of transport. Find out all you need to know about this flagship scheme aimed […]

2023 mileage allowance : focus on what’s changing !

indemnités kilométriques 2023 - remboursement URSSAF

The year 2023 marks a clear change in the calculations and scales for reimbursing mileage expenses. From a 5.4% increase in mileage allowances to the introduction of an “electric vehicle” bonus, here’s an overview of these changes, which reinforce companies’ CSR initiatives! 1. Kilometric allowances : Definition Kilometric allowances, or more commonly known as KA, […]

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