Dematerialisation of expense claims

Save time and free yourself
administrative constraints !

Thanks to its advanced features and powerful algorithm, our solution adapts to your ecosystem and refocuses your staff on their core business.

Cut from 27 to 5 minutes per expense claim

56% of employees find the process of reimbursing business expenses long and difficult.

The Vertical Expense application enables your staff to use a powerful and intuitive tool, reducing the amount of time they spend entering data. The tool accompanies them from start to finish on their business trips.

Intelligent scanning of receipts

probative value

Automated mileage allowance calculation

Personalised validation circuit

Scan receipts quickly without wasting time

Picto Vertical

A simple photo of the receipt is all it takes to complete the expense and attach it to the expense claim.

Our intelligent OCR, based on character recognition, detects important information such as the date, amount, currency, VAT and type of expense and automatically integrates it into each field for immediate completen

application mobile vertical expense avec screen sur la capture OCR du justificatif de dépense

Dematerialise all expense receipts

Picto Vertical

Say goodbye to paper ! Expense claims, receipts and supporting documents can now be processed completely electronically.

All business expenses are digitised and stored in a digital ‘safe’ to help you manage costs more effectively and save time on expense management.

Supporting documents are archived for a legal period of between 6 and 10 years, ensuring compliance with current legislation. 

Calculate mileage costs automatically

Picto Vertical

The application automatically calculates the distance of business journeys and the associated mileage allowance, in full compliance with the reference scale.

This reduces the risk of data entry errors, provides precise visibility of the status of expenditure and enables it to be managed proactively.

Your employees have a clear view of the amount reimbursed, calculated on the basis of the scales applied and the vehicle’s engine.

screen appli mobile timeline

Track expense reimbursements instantly

Picto Vertical

Vertical Expense simplifies expense management, allowing you to monitor the progress of expense claims in real time.

Our interactive timeline allows you to follow every step of the way: from validation to reimbursement of expense claims.

With Vertical Expense, you no longer have to worry about queries and reminders, you can be sure of complete, reassuring visibility at all times.

"As HR managers, employees are my customers. We need to facilitate their employee experience with a user-friendly, mobile tool. Vertical Expense is the perfect example of successful integration and unanimous adoption."

Save time

Opt for peace of mind!

Vertical Expense est là pour vous aider dans votre quotidien...On commence ?

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    Vertical Expense is here to help you in your daily life...Shall we get started ?

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