Improve quality of life at work with Vertical Expense

Digitalising your expense reports contributes to the well-being of your employees by simplifying their administrative procedures, while offering a fluid and intuitive user experience.

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Human Resources

Why Vertical Expense for Human Resources ?

1. Improving QWL : We believe that happy employees are more productive. With Vertical Expense, you can simplify your employees’ expense management, eliminate administrative hassles and offer them a fluid user experience that contributes to their well-being at work.

2. Strengthening the employer brand : A company that adopts modern, employee-centric solutions attracts and retains the best talent. Vertical Expense demonstrates your commitment to operational efficiency and the comfort of your teams, reinforcing your image as an employer of choice.

3. Dematerialisation and sustainability : Reduce your company’s carbon footprint by eliminating paper receipts and opting for an entirely digital approach with Vertical Expense. Demonstrate your commitment to environmental sustainability while improving the efficiency of your processes.

équipe RH faisant un point sur les salariés

Key Benefits for Human Resources

  • Optimum user experience : Simplify expense submission for your employees with a user-friendly interface, promoting employee engagement and satisfaction.

  • Process automation : Reduce the time spent on administrative tasks by automating data collection and report generation.

  • Instant visibility : Access real-time dashboards to track expenditure, analyse trends and make informed decisions.

  • .Accelerated reimbursement : Simplify the control and validation circuits to speed up the payment of expense claims to your employees.

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Ebook Special CSR

Find out how to align your expense management with your CSR values

intégrer les enjeux RSE

As an HR manager, employees are my clients. We need to facilitate their employee experience with a user-friendly, mobile tool. Vertical Expense is the perfect example of successful integration and unanimous adoption.

Human Resources Managers

Make the employee experience easier

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