A word from our customers

In this podcast, hear real stories from organisations like yours that have chosen to go digital and automate their expense management with Vertical Expense. Enjoy your listening !

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Témoignage LBP - Vignette Podcast
La Banque Postale booste sa marque employeur avec Vertical Expense !

La Banque Postale boosts its employer brand with Vertical Expense !

In this very first episode of 5 stars or nothing, go behind the scenes of the project to integrate Vertical Expense into La Banque Postale's ecosystem. This interview with Manuel Mangoga-Quentin, Head of HRIS, takes us to the heart of the Group's digitalisation strategy.

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About the podcast

podcast 5 étoiles sinon rien cover

Vertical is launching its very first podcast, “5 Étoiles sinon Rien”. A captivating series in which customers share their experiences of optimising expense management. Immerse yourself in the true stories of companies that have made the choice to improve their business processes for the greater satisfaction of their employees.

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    Vertical Expense est là pour vous aider dans votre quotidien...On commence ?

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      Vertical Expense is here to help you in your daily life...Shall we get started ?

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