[Case Study]

How can you digitise your HR function to meet the requirements of the public sector ?

Read how Vertical Expense has helped to digitise the HR function and optimise processes in the Brittany Region.

In this case study you will find :

About Région Bretagne

The Region Bretagne is one of France's thirteen metropolitan administrative regions. It employs 1,000 staff in the central services based in Rennes, and 3,200 local staff throughout the region.

The challenge

As part of the digital transformation of its HR information system (HRIS), the Brittany Region is looking for a flexible, ergonomic and scalable solution that can guarantee functional advances for users and administrators alike.

The results

The integration of Vertical Expense software into the Brittany Region's ecosystem has made it possible, on the one hand, to optimise the HRIS architecture by improving the collection and exchange of data between departments and, on the other hand, to facilitate the working environment for staff and elected representatives when they travel.

About Vertical Expense

Vertical Expense is a digital expense management solution dedicated to companies and public administrations.

présentation logiciel notes de frais web & mobile vertical expense

A brief overview before going any further

extrait étude de cas région bretagne
extrait étude de cas région bretagne
extrait étude de cas région bretagne

Estimated reading time: 15 minutes

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