Extra-financial reporting: How can we rely on reliable ESG indicators ?

groupe de financiers discutant du budget notes de frais

Faced with the economic, social and environmental challenges of our time, last November the European Union voted to extend its CSRD directive, which will require over 50,000 companies in Europe to publish extra-financial reporting based on ESG indicators. This is encouraging organisations to review their strategy and adopt a more transparent and sustainable model without […]

How can digital innovation meet tomorrow’s societal challenges ?

innovation digitale - CES 2023

The Las Vegas 2023 CES showcased the latest trends in digital innovation, revealing a world where technology is at the service of people, their health, their environment, their well-being and their work. Vertical Expense, a French start-up specialising in expense management, was present to draw inspiration from these advances and contribute to a more responsible […]

The 5 essential features of an expense report management tool

The modernisation of work processes through digital technologies now affects most departments within a company. An expense management tool can be a significant source of process optimisation and simplification when it comes to processing the expenses incurred by your employees. Reducing costs, processing times, error rates, etc.: there are a number of levers you can […]

5 reasons to use expense management software !

Is your company losing 20 minutes and €53 on average per expense claim ? Are human error and fraud costing you even more ? Find out how expense management software can simplify and optimise your business processes. Why use expense report software ? Managing expense claims is often time-consuming because of the complexity of the […]

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