CSR impact

Together for a sustainable future !

Find out how Vertical supports companies’ CSR strategies and encourages personal commitment to a sustainable future.

For us, a sustainable policy means a deep commitment to ethical and ecological practices. and ecological practices. As a committed start-up, in addition to our social and societal actions, we societal actions, we integrate this vision into the design of our products and the development of innovative features for our customers. We help large companies to achieve their CSR objectives and reduce their carbon footprint, reinforcing our vision of a more responsible and inclusive world.

Picto Vertical

A company committed to a global CSR approach

Vertical incorporates eco-responsible practices into the design of its software, favouring low-carbon footprint solutions, both for its own software and for the hosting used.

Vertical is also committed to working with stakeholders involved in environmental issues and integrating eco-responsible practices throughout its value chain.

This approach enables us to offer solutions and services with a low carbon footprint, contributing to a more environmentally-friendly future.

planète avec arbre sur bilan carbone entreprise
Picto Vertical

No. 1 contributor to corporate CSR policy

As part of the Vertical Expense solution, our customers benefit from a carbon audit of their business travel expenses.

Using ADEME databases, the CO2 equivalents of travel expenses are valued according to the parameters of each customer’s reimbursement policy.

This new ‘green’ functionality helps to strengthen compliance with the extra-financial reporting requirements of the CRDS.

In addition to consolidated reporting, Vertical Expense supports its customers’ CSR measures by providing individual awareness of their carbon footprint.

For a better, fairer, more sustainable and more inclusive world !

Vertical Expense est là pour vous aider dans votre quotidien...On commence ?

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    Vertical Expense is here to help you in your daily life...Shall we get started ?

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