
Expense reports : how to integrate CSR issues

This guide shows you how to integrate CSR challenges into your day-to-day expense management.

In this ebook, you will find :

Expenses and QWL

Digital tools have become a means of socialising, so that employees remain fulfilled within the organisation. It's also a way of breaking down organisational silos and promoting more transparent access to information.

Expenses and Employer Brand

A company's level of digitalisation is an essential criterion for attracting candidates and retaining employees. By 2030, 72% of the working population will be made up of millennials, a generation accustomed to using digital solutions in their working environment.

Expenses and Carbon Footprinting

Digital technology makes it possible to design systems that improve the management of energy, resources and mobility. The arrival of business software therefore affects the entire value chain by dematerialising the paper process.

About Vertical Expense

Vertical Expense is a digital expense management solution dedicated to companies and public administrations.

présentation logiciel notes de frais web & mobile vertical expense

A brief overview before going any further

Estimated reading time: 20 minutes

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